Friday, February 22, 2013

What does my dream about helping a child prostitute mean?

girl outwear on Valley Girl 80s Outfit / Eighties Costume
girl outwear image


I had a dream where I was in a very old, dilapidated house. Sitting on the floor was a girl that was about 10 with long blond hair holding a sign. She was a child prostitute. I knelt down and told her she didn't need to let people hurt her, that she had her whole life ahead of her and could do or be anything she wanted. What could this mean? I'm a 19 year old female if that helps. Thank you!

This is a dream about roles in your life that you play out.
A house is where a person lives and this old dilapidated house
suggests old outworn ideas that need to be trashed.
The ten year old prostitute represents a feeling of staying small
and going a long, long way to please other people - or live according
to their expectations, which do not really appeal to you.
Then you gave yourself good advice about how to survive in life.
A wonderful dream.

Wiccan Girls: Please tell us Rational Free thinkers why your religion is still compatible with modern age?

Fight on t

Because as of now your religion still contributes to the outworn slogans and dogmas of old age era of nothing but illogical and irrational ideologies of complete false myths

~Atheism is the only truth! Embrace it, feel it, love it and live it!


SHUT UP!!!!!

What are good topics/things to talk to a girl about on a date?

Extreme know, to seem interesting and funny? I've outworn a lot of my old stuff. Please no trolling (i.e. omg u must be such a nerd lololol). Thanks.

Does she have a pet? For instance, if she is a dog lover, ask her about him/her. Share stories about your childhood pet. Maybe discuss good points about the breed in particular.
Does she like sports? Get into that as well. Most girls who like sports want to talk about it but don't find many willing guys who take them seriously.
Best tip - stay away from talking about your ex's!

I wanna buy some new kicks that are both gangsta and classy?


I just outwore my pair of vans, just plain black. I'm debating getting vans again or wanting to explore other brands. I'm a girl and I like to have some gangsta steez with my look but still be cute and girly.


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