Thursday, January 31, 2013

AP Literature: Vampire Stories in modern movies or books?

Q. The essentials of a vampire story include:
- an older figure representing corrupt, outworn values
- a young, preferably virginal female; a stripping away of her youth, energy, virtue
- a continuance of the life force of the old male
- the death or destruction of the young woman.

Any modern movies/books that would fit the genre of a Vampire story?? (The movie/book does not need to be about vampires.)

A. I'd say the Anne Rice books.
An older figure representing corrupt values could be Lestat. Claudia could be the girl stripping away her youth or she could be the death of a young woman. Louis could be the continuance of a life force. I could definitely write an essay with that :) A movie was made about the book. Interview With The Vampire and Queen of the Damned. IWTV is one of my favorite movies :) Good luck!

How to wear leggings?
Q. Well i like wearing leggings as much as many girls do buuut there is just one thing. My down there makes a v shape when i wear leggings no matter what kind of underwear i'm wearing! Why does this happen and what can i do so it wont be so obvious or draw attention from the public, thanks!

A. The solution is to stop wearing underwear, and be natural! Ignore those people who tell you leggings shouldn't be worn on their own. They are dinosaurs.

In modern fashion it's perfectly OK to use leggings on their own. Of course, there are a few backward and conservative folks who still get shocked by that, but the fact is, leggings make great pants -- they are comfortable, stylish and give a great figure-hugging look. They make you look sporty, modern and fit.

The v-shape you describe is called a cameltoe, and it really isn't a problem! Most guys find it really attractive, and only prudes worry about it.

Leggings are best worn without underwear at all to avoid visible panty lines and for maximum comfort. They are easily washed so they make a great combination of underwear and outwear in one -- saving you laundry and being extremely comfortable at the same time.

Is it WRONG for a GUY to become a fashion designer?
Q. i have been thinking of my career and i am quite deleqat in clothes and its fashion its outwear designing and i understand the many concepts of being a fashion designer, it wasnt basically my dream....i finally understand what i am most good at,,,is the ART of clothing.....someppl may think its gay for a guy to do such thing, but what i would like to hear is your guy's opinions.

A. looks like most girls answered this question but its not gay at all!!! you only live once my man, so do whatever the fukkkkkkkk you want as long as your happy. who cares what other ppl think. if you are actually good most of those losers will probably be wearing your shiz. then you can laugh all the way to the bank lol.

can some one proofreading my two page essays?
Q. Womenâs Outwear

A woman asks the question âWhich woman clothes can be appropriate for age and size to wear?â Some researchersâ claims that the each store will have for each different size for young adults, ladies, and the elderly for cape, jacket, and coat so the women could feel comfortable when keeping themselves warm.

The Victorian cape, Metropolitan Walking cape and Evening Cape are three categories of Capes. First, Victorian Cape is sleeveless garment often tied around the neck and hang over the shoulder. The Victorian has a midriff length capelet with an upright collar. The young lady as well as an adult has many different reasons to wear a Victorian coat. For, example, the Victorian cape is warm and comfortable on cold moonlit nights and crisp winter days.
Secondly, the Metropolitan Walking Capes are sleeveless garment often hang over the shoulder. Metropolitan Walking Capes can use for elderly as well as an adult who doesnât like to wear a jacket. The cape is thick and cold. The cape made of 100% merino wool (lined) and 100% cashmere (lined). It is heavy weight. The garment can use to go to mall or to the subway. When the rain comes, the garment has a hood to cover their head.
Finally, the young lady wears an Evening capes to a meeting or traveling the world. These capes may be short (over the shoulders or to the waist) or a full-length cloak . They donât have to worry about hair. The Evening cape helps them to prevent the rain because the hood will cover their head. The Evening cape is useful for go theater or to the dinner. The three categories of cape can be use for fall and winter. They donât have to worry about winter or fall because the cape has heavy weight.
The young adult have to wear warm snow jacket also for winter and fall. . Jacket is a lightweight, thigh-or waist-length coat that may be worn by young ladies and adult. It helps them to prevent water or snow going through the body. For example, a jacket can be useful to go to Snow Mountain for skied, or walking to the snow, or ice skating.
Finally, Abercrombie and Fitch Candace Women's Fur Bomber Jacket is supper soft and comfortable wearing for winter. It is 100% cotton and luxury with Faux fur lined body. The fur hoodie can be removable with two ways zippers styles Abercrombie. The coat is for a young lady.
The young girl and adult wear outerwear coat to make them beautiful when they are going to Snow Mountain or ice-skating. The outerwear could be light or heavy weight but they could put two sweater on over the coat or, cape or, or jacket to keeping themselves warm.

A. sure!(please get 10 points!)

I don't really see anything wrong with it.

I would change "Finally, Abercrombie and Fitch...." to "In conclusion,Abercrombie and Fitch...." because you wouldn't want to use the word "finally" twice. Remember to indent when you start a new paragraph since I don't see any indentation in this.

Its a good essay and very interesting! If I was grading this,I would give it a 4+ or a A+! Good luck!

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