Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Does anyone know much about the movie Schindlers list?

Q. I was really wondering why that in the movie Schindlers List some of things were in color while the rest of the movie was in black and white. Like the little girls coat when she was supposed to be cleared out of the ghetto. Or the candle at the beginning and end of the movie. And the sky at one point. If you knew the real reason as to why those few things were in color that would be great if you could tell me!! Thanks.

A. Perfectv is correct. This is a great film

What should I buy for my angel?
Q. I signed up for JCPenny's adopt an angel program, and I am trying to figure out what to get my angel. My angel is an 11 year old girl that wants a radio alarm clock and a girls coat size 14. I want to get her the best alarm clock possible for the cheapest price, and I want to be able to buy it at a store (Sears, Penny's, etc) and not online. Any ideas?

A. Try Ross, Walmart or target

guys: do you prefer girls with tonnes of makeup or the natural look?
Q. i only wear mascara and eyeliner ( it makes my eyes pop because there bright blue) but loads of girls coat themselves in tonnes and they always seemed to be deemed as the more attractive ones. whats your opinions?

A. the natural look where possible --- but some make-up is ok --- so long as you don't need to take it off with a paint scraper lol! --- good luck

Major Confession about what I did during class?
Q. How can I tell my mom about my darkest secret. I'm a gay senior and during my freshman year during a movie in my keyboarding class I went to the corner computer and masturbated to gay porn. I put a random girls coat over my hands. How can I tell my parents about what I did. They are anti Homosexuals.

A. You can start by not being gay.

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