Thursday, January 17, 2013

guys: do you prefer girls with tonnes of makeup or the natural look?

Q. i only wear mascara and eyeliner ( it makes my eyes pop because there bright blue) but loads of girls coat themselves in tonnes and they always seemed to be deemed as the more attractive ones. whats your opinions?

A. the natural look where possible --- but some make-up is ok --- so long as you don't need to take it off with a paint scraper lol! --- good luck

Major Confession about what I did during class?
Q. How can I tell my mom about my darkest secret. I'm a gay senior and during my freshman year during a movie in my keyboarding class I went to the corner computer and masturbated to gay porn. I put a random girls coat over my hands. How can I tell my parents about what I did. They are anti Homosexuals.

A. You can start by not being gay.

Is there a significance to the color red for Jewish girls?
Q. When most people think of a little Jewish girl wearing a red coat, Schindler's List is the first thing that comes to mind. But I have noticed little girls wearing red coats in Jewish families and communities in several movies and TV shows. Is this just a nod to Schindler's List by the entertainment industry, or does it have religious significance?

A. There is no traditional significance.
Spielberg, the film's director, put the little girl in red because red is an eye-catching color and he wanted the girl to be memorable.
If you see other little girls in red, you are noticing them simply because red is a memorable color. You aren't happening to notice all the little Jewish girls who wear other colors.


What does it mean to get a sign made up?
Q. In How I met your mother Marshall calls coat check girl a coat wench. And she answers "I like it, coat wench, I should get a sign made up"
Did she mean that she needs a coat wench sign?

A. Yes. In this particular case, maybe a small sign to put on the coat check counter.

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